1st Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets Multiple Choice

While the entire concept of reading comprehension worksheets is relatively simple, not many teachers utilize them effectively. It’s not that they don’t know what worksheets are for, but that they often over complicate things when teaching this important subject matter. By breaking down the various types of questions and answers, along with determining which skills are developed through practice, it becomes much easier to teach kids advanced reading comprehension skills.

1st Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets Multiple Choice

First off, you need to realize that multiple choice is not necessarily the best way to gauge a child’s comprehension level. There are a lot of different ways to gauge an ability to read. You can always take the child’s word for it and ask them to read from left to right, or even right to left. However, most kids aren’t going to be able to do this consistently, and so they’re really just guessing.

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If you’re giving the response verbally, then the guesswork is even more important. You’re not going to be able to know whether they’re truly making the choice of words based on the order of the words, or based on how the sound is made. If they’re making the choice correctly, but their voice sounds strange while saying it, you’ll have no way of knowing. The only way you’ll know is by listening to their response.

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Multiple choice is an option, but often teachers will choose to stick to the answer choices. Multiple choice works in some cases, but in other cases it will not work at all. Say, for instance, that you are presenting the following sentence: “Joe is a very good cook.” Your child may well choose to read “Joe is a good cook.” This doesn’t mean that Joe is a great cook, just that Joe is a good cook.

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However, your child chooses to present the sentence before you, he’s still making a choice about what he believes. And he is making a choice about word choice. He’s choosing whether he wants to read the word “good” or “bad” – his vocabulary washers out what he thinks is good or bad. He’s choosing whether he wants to read “a good cook” or “a bad cook.” And you can’t read these kids anymore than you can read “bad” and “good” into the same sentence!

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Reading comprehension worksheets can help you develop strong comprehension skills. But you have to make the choice to focus on this development. Read these worksheets as a parent, not as your child. Focus on their comprehension rather than on how they read. Help them understand how words mix up and help them decide which choices make sense.

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