Shapes Worksheets for First Grade

It is always fun to work with shapes worksheets for first graders. The very nature of their age and inexperience lends itself to this particular challenge. At first glance, shapes are chaotic jumble of shapes and patterns that can be very difficult for even the most accomplished teacher to figure out, let alone a first grader. For these reasons, teachers will often use “hide and seek” games in which the children are asked to hide and seek items, usually shapes, among various other shapes on a worksheet. Once children have found the item, the teacher will call out the shape and ask the child to identify it in a certain way, such as by saying “Green equals square”.

Shapes Worksheets for First Grade

This game can also be modified to include other objects, such as circles, triangles and squares. Depending upon the child’s skills at first learning to find shapes, you may want to ask him to simply say the shape he has come across. The important thing to remember when first graders are being asked to “name their shapes”, is to go over the procedure for finding the shapes with the child again. Sometimes this will trigger memories of the shapes the child has already named. In this way, the child will gain confidence in his ability to name shapes and will quickly develop the ability to solve the problem, rather than hide and seek.

Shapes Worksheets

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Finding shapes worksheets for first graders is not an exact science, but it is not an impossible one either. The key is to make sure that the child is given enough time to find all the shapes on the sheet. When time is running low, the best course of action is to use the hides and seek method, which requires no more information from the child, but still allows him to find the shapes. This works well when there are multiple shapes the child is asking for, such as circles, triangles and squares.

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After you have given the child several tries at shapes worksheets, he should be able to describe each shape accurately and easily. Once you know how to read the shapes, you will need to use the clues that will show that shapes belong together. In most cases, you will need to associate a name to the shape. For example, if the child has a triangle and needs to find out what the shape is, you can give him “three” or “three sided”. It is up to you what your child will be given to identify shapes that go together, but it is a very good start.

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First graders are not limited only to shapes, but to objects as well. If you are working with shapes worksheets for your first grade class, then it will probably be a good idea to give the child items that make shapes. You can start by with basic shapes such as circles and squares. These will give the child an easy introduction to shapes and their properties. After that you can move on to objects. The items that you will give your first grader will not have to do with math or even spelling, but they will work well in helping to develop language skills.

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Shape and place

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3 Dimensional shapes

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There are a number of places where you can get good shapes worksheets for first graders. When you shop around, you can often find free samples that you can give to the child to work with. You can also work with your teacher to get ideas that your child will enjoy. After all, there is no teacher that knows more about a child that you, so use what you know! When it comes to first grade, there are some basics that you just have to work with.

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