Tag Archives: 1st Grade Worksheets

Reading Comprehension Worksheets Grade 1

Reading comprehension tests are used in grade 1 in many cases. Students are asked to complete a series of simple comprehension questions and then perform a short test based on the answers they give. In order to help boost your reading comprehension scores, it’s a good idea to practice reading comprehension worksheets. Worksheets can be […]

Subtraction Worksheets for Grade 1

Practicing these subtraction worksheets for grade 1 children will certainly aid young learners in understanding the basic arithmetic operation of subtraction. One of the main operations of pure mathematics is subtraction. This is the first stage of learning subtraction values for Class 1 as this prepares your young child for higher levels. As a teacher […]

1st Grade Math Worksheets Subtraction

Subtraction is one of the most fundamental principles of all mathematics. We all know that, for every item there is a corresponding factor, or in other words, a prime number. The subtraction is used to determine the value of an item by dividing it by the sum of its parts. In the case of math, […]

1st grade measurement worksheets

One of the many ways in which a teacher can keep a class’s interest and lesson plan moving is through teaching 1st graders about measuring things. It doesn’t matter what the subject matter is, whether it is Arithmetic Geometry or Science; if taught from the beginning, it will make learning fun for students and allow […]

Shapes Worksheets for First Grade

It is always fun to work with shapes worksheets for first graders. The very nature of their age and inexperience lends itself to this particular challenge. At first glance, shapes are chaotic jumble of shapes and patterns that can be very difficult for even the most accomplished teacher to figure out, let alone a first […]

Place Value Worksheets For Grade 1

Place value worksheets for grade 1 students will assist in identifying homes with a high place value. The use of these worksheets also helps prepare students to identify homes with low value when they are shopping around. Using the information contained in place value worksheets for grade 1 students, homes with the highest possible value […]

1st Grade Math Coloring Worksheets

One of the best things that can be done for kids is to color in their own math worksheets using some wonderful coloring sheets. This will teach them about colors and help them understand how the colors relate to different objects and concepts. Kids love to draw, and when they are allowed to color in […]

Color by Number Math Worksheets 1st Grade

You know that the color by number math worksheets is a great tool to help children learn about colors, but do you know that it can be used in kindergarten as well? Many preschoolers and first graders are just starting to understand numbers, so you will want to make sure that you are teaching them […]

Before and After Number Worksheets for First Grade

Before and After Number Worksheets for First Grade is one of the most effective resources to help children and adults alike. It offers the ability for kids and parents to put a smile on their face with something that will help their child improve. It will also allow them to learn something as well which […]